
Digital Narratives for Peace:

Empowering Youth through Digital Storytelling and Virtual Dialogue

Peace Education through Digital Storytelling Toolkit addresses young people and youth workers who work with youth, in order to provide them with educational tools and resources on peace education and conflict resolution. The toolkit will be a reader-friendly online designed Text file for youth workers, available through the digital channels of the project in English, Portuguese, Lithuanian, Spanish, Turkish, Ukrainian and Italian.

Peacemakers Virtual Platform aims to create a virtual space for peacemakers and share young people’s stories by using digital storytelling.

Using digital storytelling practices will help young people to describe their stories by using different tools (visuals, drawings, photos, videos, audio). This will help them to share their opinions by using fruitful tools on digital platforms. Sharing personal stories helps groups in getting insights into similarities and differences between individuals and cultural groups and in starting to share stories about it. Storytelling It is a strong tool in a time in which audio-visual communication is very important especially amongst youth.

Project Results

  1.  Need analysis results
  • Survey results for youngsters and youth workers
  • Focus group interview results
  1. Best Practices 
  2. Platform
  • Peace Education through Digital Storytelling NFE Activities
  • Peace education through digital storytelling toolkits
  • Video stories of young people
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